Terms And Conditions Of Use

All orders imply the acceptance of our terms and conditions by the client, and the denial of his own terms and conditions. If the client did not receive our terms and conditions, or did not receive them in his own language, does not exclude him from its application.

The advertised delivery conditions are indicative and delays will not result in any form of compensation, fines or annulment of the agreement. ITCS nv will not be held responsible for any damages in any form, or fines of any kind following late delivery.

All taxes, fees and similar compensations or rights due to Belgian laws are for the client.

All products offered by ITCS nv on its website(s) are described as fully and in good conscience as possible. The prices are valid the day they are offered on our website. ITCS nv can not be held responsible for any errors in prices, offers, descriptions or photos.

Our products are available until depletion of stock. If an article is out of stock, we will inform you as soon as possible and you can cancel your order if desired. ITCS nv can not be held responsible for any damages resulting from stock depletion.

Right to return. The Belgian law on commercial actions and information and protection of the consumer from 14 July 1991, allows the buyer to inform the vendor within 7 workable days after delivery of the goods, he wishes to cancel his order. The goods have to be returned unopened within an acceptable timeframe following this information (f.ex. 3 workable days). See our returns policy for more information.

Bills are payable within 14 days of their issuance, to ITCS nv, and do not operate novation. At the expiration of this time limit, the client is presumed to have received a notice of remedy. Failure to pay an invoice at the due date renders due all other invoices remaining in suspense or to be established. In case of failure to pay an invoice at the due day and without prior notice of remedy, the consumer expressly accepts that he will be liable to pay a conventional or extra judicial indemnity fixed at 15% of the remaining due balance with a minimum of 25 Euro and of a conventional interest at a rate of 12 % per year. The customer expressly recognises that ITCS nv charges their payments in priority on the oldest unpaid invoices.

To be valid, every complaint should be issued within eight days following delivery. Failure to do so will render the complaint invalid and non-existent.

Every dispute between parties will be judged by belgian law and is the sole jurisdiction of the Courts of Brussels.