Evolution De La Technologie - Progrès / FR - Intrafin Games
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Chaque joueur guide les efforts de recherche de sa nation à travers un labyrinthe de technologies depuis les premiers signes du développement humain, évoluant ainsi progressivement à travers l'Antiquité, le Moyen-Âge et la Renaissance, jusqu'aux premières étincelles de la Révolution Industrielle.  

L'objectif de chaque joueur est de cumuler le plus de Points de Victoire en recherchant des technologies. Chaque technologie découverte permettra au joueur d’obtenir des bénéfices qui amélioreront son Plateau Individuel, lui permettront d’avancer sur les Pistes de Pouvoir de sa civilisation et de gagner des Points de Victoire qui seront ajoutés à son score total en fin de partie.

De 1 à 5 joueurs

à partir de 12 ans 

durée : 60 à 90 mn


Progress: Evolution of Technology is a card game about researching technologies.

Each player takes his civilization from early antiquity and learns various technologies, moving progressively to the Middle Ages, the Industrial Revolution, and Modern Times and ending with today's Internet or Social Welfare.

Unlike other civilization games, Progress focuses on a single aspect of civilization building: researching technologies that help a society advance.

The 210 technology cards in the game are divided into three ages (Ancient, Middle Ages, Industrial) and three types (Military, Science and Culture).

With every advancement on a path, you gain easier access to its more advanced technologies and you'll end up opening the door to the next age.

Each tech card provides one bonus, which can vary from one extra knowledge to a larger hand size.

Even though most tech cards in the game come in multiple copies (usually one per player), the key technologies occur less frequently, forcing players to specialize and granting them unique advantages.

Every technology you research decreases the cost of up to three more advanced technologies, accelerating the race towards the end of the game.


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