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Venus may be the deadliest planet in the entire solar system... but with some potential!
Up there in the biting clouds, far from the sweltering surface, humans have begun colonizing and terraforming it.
Your corporation can now make a name for itself: build floating cities, cast shadows on the sun to reduce global warming and bring life to this planet!
And let Venus help you terraform Mars!
Thanks to VENUS NEXT, you can terraform Venus and build new cities within the solar system.
This expansion includes new cards, corporations, and an additional Venus Award and Milestone.
This is an EXTENSION for Terraforming Mars.
You play Venus Next together with the original game but you can combine it with any other expansion and variant.
Venus may be the deadliest planet in the entire solar system... but with some potential!
Up there in the biting clouds, far from the sweltering surface, humans have begun colonizing and terraforming it.
Your corporation can now make a name for itself: build floating cities, cast shadows on the sun to reduce global warming and bring life to this planet!
And let Venus help you terraform Mars!
Thanks to VENUS NEXT, you can terraform Venus and build new cities within the solar system.
This expansion includes new cards, corporations, and an additional Venus Award and Milestone.
This is an EXTENSION for Terraforming Mars.
You play Venus Next together with the original game but you can combine it with any other expansion and variant.

Venus may be the deadliest planet in the entire solar system... but with some potential!
Up there in the biting clouds, far from the sweltering surface, humans have begun colonizing and terraforming it.
Your corporation can now make a name for itself: build floating cities, cast shadows on the sun to reduce global warming and bring life to this planet!
And let Venus help you terraform Mars!
Thanks to VENUS NEXT, you can terraform Venus and build new cities within the solar system.
This expansion includes new cards, corporations, and an additional Venus Award and Milestone.
This is an EXTENSION for Terraforming Mars.
You play Venus Next together with the original game but you can combine it with any other expansion and variant.
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You have been sent to this embattled land in the role of tax collector. As a young, ambitious aristocrat, you hope to stand out so that you will be given a position in the court of Sigismund, King of the Romans, King of Hungary, and King of Bohemia, the man who will eventually, God willing, be crowned the Holy Roman Emperor.
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The game consists of six turns representing six years. Each player takes the role of a tax collector visiting one of the six cities. The goods collected are placed in the royal stores or estate stores, thus giving the players influence in the court of King Sigismund. The player who gains the most influence wins.
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Bloom - Board Game
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Lungarno - Board Game
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At the end of the game, the player with the most gold is the winner!
- 13 Special board pieces
- 65 Building tiles
- 55 Florin coins (20 yellow - worth 5 and 35 Grey)
- 25 Merchants (5 of each colour)
- 12 Privilege tokens
- Rulebook
Genoa - Board Game
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The Traders of Genoa version of this game is #6 in the Alea big box series.
Tinner's Trail - Board Game
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The earlier you invest the better the return.
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Pas de péril, pas de Gloire !
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6 nouvelles Créatures et 2 nouveaux Sorts attendent que vous les capturiez et les fassiez déferler sur vos adversaires.
Acceptez-vous cette Quête du Qladiateur ?
Evolution De La Technologie...
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L'objectif de chaque joueur est de cumuler le plus de Points de Victoire en recherchant des technologies. Chaque technologie découverte permettra au joueur d’obtenir des bénéfices qui amélioreront son Plateau Individuel, lui permettront d’avancer sur les Pistes de Pouvoir de sa civilisation et de gagner des Points de Victoire qui seront ajoutés à son score total en fin de partie.
De 1 à 5 joueurs
à partir de 12 ans
durée : 60 à 90 mn
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Dutch / Nederlands
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Aux Portes de Loyang VF -...
La Chine, il y a 2000 ans. Loyang, capitale
de la dynastie des Han, est l’une des quatre grandes capitales de
la Chine ancienne.
Vous êtes un paysan qui vient approvisionner cette ville en légumes,
en servant vos clients réguliers et des acheteurs occasionnels.
Avec l’aide d’assistants spécialisés qui vous permettront d’améliorer
vos actions, vous devrez progresser au plus loin sur le chemin de
la Prospérité pour gagner.
Aux Portes de Loyang est le troisième jeu de la trilogie de Uwe
Rosenberg, avec Le Havre et Agricola.